Monday, 9 January 2012

my 2011 review

im sorry that a don't  blog enough i relly do need to blog more but spelling  ent that great and my blog storys dnt sound a great as jeff hatt . A great writer .

well for me it got be catching my first river anker barbel
catch 9 bermuda tench on the method  feeder
catch a gravel pit 90 foot bream
catch more 3lb + perch
thanks for reading my blog and to all the blogger i have met.


  1. Great work andrew there are som top fishing results there mate, But i am loving the perch,
    Happy new year my friend,

  2. Tbat Anker barbel is a special one, Andrew. I tried for one but only got chub. Happy New year and tight lines!

  3. The anker barbel is a result Andrew, I'm still trying to get my first one. You definatly have to work to find em.

  4. Good work there Andrew. Some lovely fish.

  5. thanks lads i think i was relly lucky to catch a good few anker barbel time walkin the banks prebaiting pay off big time and paddy perch r my favour fish i relly like catching them
